domingo, 10 de junio de 2007

Educative Quality.

Between the great present preoccupations of the governments and the educative institutions is the one of the quality. During long time in Mexico, one of the high-priority educative policies was the increase of the cover. The one looked for that all the Mexicans had. access to the education, and for such effect schools throughout all the country were constructed. Mexico registers one of the highest numbers in Latin America as far as the percentage of population that takes care of the system educative; but, from the qualitative point of view, the encouraging data are not nothing: diverse investigations on the academic yield of the students aim to consider to Mexico like a country of reprobated. The problem is not as much of cover, but of quality.Quality is not a static concept, is a characteristic of the things that indicates improvement, improvement, profit of goals. Quality is not equal to perfection. No human action and therefore, no educative system can be perfect, but it can - and it must aspire to improve. When we spoke of a program or educative system of quality, we talked about to which has reached standard superior of development, in philosophical, the scientific thing, methodologic or in the human.
We found diverse approaches on the concept of educative quality. First of them one talks about the effectiveness. An educative program will be considered of quality if it obtains his goals and pre-selected targets. Taken this to the hall classes we could say that the quality is reached if the student learns what he assumes must learn. A second point of view talks about to consider the quality in relevance terms. In this sense the educative programs of quality will be those that include valuable and useful contents: that they respond to the requirements necessary to integrally form the student, to prepare excellent profesionistas, agreed with the social necessities, or that provide with valuable tools for the work or the integration of the individual to the society. One third perspective of the quality concept talks about to the resources and the processes.

Of course which the quality cannot be reduced only to one of these three dimensions, but to the aid of the three. Then, the quality depends on multiple factors. This also means that the responsibility by the educative quality does not fall only to the directors of an educative institution, but in all its participants, and, by its function in the educative process, mainly in the professor.

What can make the professor in the improvement of the educative quality?

1. To know clearly which is its function within the educative institution and of the curriculum. If the teacher knows which is its mission as educational and what it waits for of him its school, it will be able to fulfill its task better. If, in addition, it knows well clearly which is the profile of debit of the student who is forming and how she contributes to him with the subjets that she has to its position, she will be able more efficiently to make it's function.
2. To know well its discipline and to stay updated. This is a condition without which a good class cannot be given. If the sufficient knowledge are not had not it can teach or orient to the student in its learning.
3. To improve the educational practice. The pedagogical preparation is necessary to improve the educational practice, still in those ?born? professors who can be ?of vocation? or. Although the professor usually is very occupied, is necessary that he dedicates the time necessary to become qualified, to plan his class suitably, to improve his educational abilities and to reflect on how he is making the things and how he can improve them.
4. To transmit an overcoming discipline. Most of the professors we agree in which one of the most important parts of the education is the formation of attitudes, values and virtues. Nevertheless, in our class practically we ignored it, and we dedicated ourselves to cover the program. The teacher can contribute to develop in the student an overcoming discipline if he looks for the transmission of excellence standards and autoexigencia that form in the students desires of overcoming and reasonable attitudes of autoexigencia.
5. The colegiado work. A single professor little can make increase the educative quality, but several professors, planning, programming, assuming responsibilities and evaluating their actions, more easily will obtain their assignment.
6. To improve the relation with its students. It is spoken much of the ?service to the client? when the subject of the quality is approached. In the educative aspect the student is much more that a client. She is a person in formation that requires guide and support, and will only be possible to be offered this aid him if the professor manages to settle down a climate, of mutual confidence. In adverse conditions it is very difficult that that direction is obtained. The function of the teacher is not to watch and to punish, but to be to the slope of the necessities of the student, to help.

Improving the educative quality depends on which all we understand that our determined and enthusiastic participation is necessary and that a radical change in our systems of work is not required, but rather of a process of continuous improvement, but with a knowledge and total conscience of which it is wanted to obtain.